Rancangan Modul Pembelajaran Teamwork YPAC Jakarta


  • Cindy Lawrencya Sekolah Tinggi Manejemen PPM
  • Eva Hotnaidah Saragih Sekolah Tinggi Manejemen PPM




Development Practices, Pandemic Situations, Online Learning, Module Design


YPAC Jakarta as an integrated service center for Persons with Disabilities, especially Cerebral Palsy / CP, has a vision, mission, strategic goals to be achieved to maximize and explore the potential of people with disabilities, especially Cerebral Palsy / CP in an effort to achieve independence. Broadly speaking, YPAC Jakarta's current human resource development practices include membership, performance evaluation, training and development. With the current pandemic situation, every community is required to do work from home and every activity is restricted to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Thus, with this policy, new challenges emerge, namely utilizing technology to meet the needs of online learning methods. It is hoped that the fulfillment of needs in the form of an online learning module design about teamwork for YPAC Jakarta will be able to change the perspective regarding teamwork.


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How to Cite

Lawrencya, C. ., & Saragih, E. H. . (2021). Rancangan Modul Pembelajaran Teamwork YPAC Jakarta. Journal of Emerging Business Management and Entrepreneurship Studies, 1(1), 138–148. https://doi.org/10.34149/jebmes.v1i1.12